Category Archives: Industrial Automation

What Motivates Makers

A couple weeks ago I wrote a post about budgets, and Ken from over at Robot Shift replied:

My experience when compensation is set up to be win-win it’s a good thing. If someone’s working hard, and doing the right things often their impact far exceeds that of just their hourly contribution. It impacts teams, groups and profitability. If the organization profits from this impact, the employee should as well.

On the surface I think that’s true – we all appreciate profit sharing, but I think Ken’s talking about performance-metric-based-pay. I don’t agree with tying creative work to performance pay. The inner workings of the human mind continue to astound us. An article in New Scientist says:

…it may come as a shock to many to learn that a large and growing body of evidence suggests that in many circumstances, paying for results can actually make people perform badly, and that the more you pay, the worse they perform.

“In many circumstances” – I’m going to talk about one such circumstance shortly. Of course for more surprising information there’s the classic Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation, and Clay Shirky’s talk on Human Motivation.

There’s a big difference between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. If you have to choose, intrinsic motivation is more powerful. It costs less, and it’s a stronger motive force. I believe that’s due to the phenomenon of “flow“. If you work in any type of creative field, you know the power of flow – that feeling you get when you’re 100% immersed in your work, the outside world seems to drift away, you lose track of time, but you’re incredibly productive. Without distractions you can focus your full attention on solving the problem at hand. Once you’ve experienced this a few times, it’s like a drug.

For someone like me, assuming I make enough money to pay the bills, I would trade any additional money to spend more time in “flow”. Yes, I’m Scott Whitlock and I’m addicted to flow. (I’m not the only one.) If you have one of those lucky days where you spend a full 8 hours without distractions, wrestling with big problems, you’ll come home mentally exhausted but exhilarated. At night you truly enjoy your family time, not because your job sucks and family time is an escape, but because you’re content. The next morning you’re excited on your drive to work. Your life has balance.

Paul Graham wrote an excellent essay about the Maker’s Schedule, Manager’s Schedule. The Maker blocks out their time in 4 hour chunks because they need to get into “flow” to do their best work. Managers, on the other hand, schedule their days in 30 or 60 minute chunks.

Do you see the problem? If a Manager never experiences flow then they can’t understand what motivates their Makers. That’s why management keeps pushing incentive pay: a lot of Managers are extrinsically motivated and they can’t get inside the head of someone who isn’t.

In case you happen to be a Manager, I feel it’s my duty to help you understand. It’s like this: if you’re addicted to flow, then being a Maker is an end in itself. If you still don’t get it, please read the story of The Fisherman and the Businessman. Ok, got it? Good.

So, if you’re managing people who are intrinsically motivated, here’s how you should setup their pay:

  • Make sure their salary or wage is competitive. If it’s not, they’ll feel cheated and resentful.
  • Profit sharing is ok if you don’t tell them how you arrived at the numbers.

Yeah, that’s crazy isn’t it? But it’s true. Do you want to know why? I’ve spent most of my career paid a straight wage without incentive pay. I did get bonuses, but they were just offered to me as, “good work this year, here’s X dollars, we hope you’re happy here, thanks very much.” Under that scheme when someone came to me with a problem, I relished the challenge. I dove into the problem, made sure I fully understood it, found the root cause and fixed it. The result was happy customers and higher quality work.

For a short time I was bullied into accepting performance-based pay. My metrics were “project gross margin” and “percent billable hours vs. target”. Then when someone came to me with a problem unrelated to my current project, my first reaction was “this is a distraction — I’m not being measured on this criteria.” When I paused to help a co-worker on another team for half an hour on their project, my boss reminded me that I wasn’t helping our team’s metrics. My demeanor with customers seemed to change. Work that used to seem challenging became extremely stressful. I lost all intrinsic motivation. I was no longer working to help the customer – I was working to screw the customer out of more money. It was as if, by dangling the carrot in front of my nose, I could no longer see the garden.

It’s hard for me to admit that. When you’re intrinsically motivated, you’re proud of it. It makes you feel good to do the work for its own sake. For Makers, doing work for performance pay is a hollow substitute. It demoralizes you.

I guess my point is, if you manage Makers, how do you not know this? It’s your job!

Ladder Logic vs. C#

PC programming and PLC programming are radically different paradigms. I know I’ve talked about this before, but I wanted to explore something that perplexes me… why do so many PC programmers hate ladder logic when they are first introduced to it? Ladder logic programmers don’t seem to have the same reaction when they’re introduced to a language like VB or C.

I mean, PC programmers really look down their noses at ladder logic. Here’s one typical quote:

Relay Ladder Logic is a fairly primitive langauge. Its hard to be as productive. Most PLC programmers don’t use subroutines; its almost as if the PLC world is one that time and software engineering forgot. You can do well by applying simple software engineering methods as a consequence, e.g., define interfaces between blocks of code, even if abstractly.

I’m sorry, but I don’t buy that. Ladder logic and, say C#, are designed for solving problems in two very different domains. In industrial automation, we prefer logic that’s easy to troubleshoot without taking down the system.

In the world of C#, troubleshooting is usually done in an offline environment.

My opinion is that Ladder Logic looks a lot like “polling” and every PC programmer knows that polling is bad, because it’s an inefficient use of processor power. PC programmers prefer event-driven programming, which is how all modern GUI frameworks react to user-initiated input. They want to see something that says, “when input A turns on, turn on output B”. If you’re familiar with control systems, your first reaction to that statement is, “sure, but what if B depends on inputs C, D, and E as well”? You’re right – it doesn’t scale, and that’s the first mistake most people make when starting with event-driven programming: they put all their logic in the event handlers (yeah, I did that too).

Still, there are lots of situations where ladder logic is so much more concise than say, C#, at implementing the same functionality, I just don’t buy all the hate directed at ladder logic. I decided to describe it with an example. Take this relatively simple ladder logic rung:

What would it take to implement the same logic in C#? You could say all you really need to write is D = ((A && B) || D) && C; but that’s not exactly true. When you’re writing an object oriented program, you have to follow the SOLID principles. We need to separate our concerns. Any experienced C# programmer will say that we need to encapsulate this logic in a class (let’s call it “DController” – things that contain business logic in C# applications are frequently called Controller or Manager). We also have to make sure that DController only depends on abstract interfaces. In this case, the logic depends on access to three inputs and one output. I’ve gone ahead and defined those interfaces:

    public interface IDiscreteInput
        bool GetValue();
        event EventHandler InputChanged;

    public interface IDiscreteOutput
        void SetValue(bool value);

Simple enough. Our controller needs to be able to get the value of an input, and be notified when any input changes. It needs to be able to change the value of the output.

In order to follow the D in the SOLID principles, we have to inject the dependencies into the DController class, so it has to look something like this:

    internal class DController
        public DController(IDiscreteInput inputA, 
            IDiscreteInput inputB, IDiscreteInput inputC, 
            IDiscreteOutput outputD)

That’s a nice little stub of a class. Now, as an experienced C# developer, I follow test-driven development, or TDD. Before I can write any actual logic, I have to write a test that fails. I break open my unit test suite, and write my first test:

        public void Writes_initial_state_of_false_to_outputD_when_initial_inputs_are_all_false()
            var mockInput = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IDiscreteInput>();
            mockInput.Expect(i => i.GetValue()).Return(false);
            var mockOutput = MockRepository.GenerateStrictMock<IDiscreteOutput>();
            mockOutput.Expect(o => o.SetValue(false));

            var test = new DController(mockInput, mockInput, mockInput, mockOutput);


Ok, so what’s going on here? First, I’m using a mocking framework called Rhino Mocks to generate “stub” and “mock” objects that implement the two dependency interfaces I defined earlier. This first test just checks that the first thing my class does when it starts up is to write a value to output D (in this case, false, because all the inputs are false). When I run my test it fails, because my DController class doesn’t actually call the SetValue method on my output object. That’s easy enough to remedy:

    internal class DController
        public DController(IDiscreteInput inputA, IDiscreteInput inputB, 
            IDiscreteInput inputC, IDiscreteOutput outputD)
            if (outputD == null) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("outputD");

That’s the simplest logic I can write to make the test pass. I always set the value of the output to false when I start up. Since I’m calling a method on a dependency, I also have to include a guard clause in there to check for null, or else my tools like ReSharper might start complaining at me.

Now that my tests pass, I need to add some more tests. My second test validates when my output should turn on (only when all three inputs are on). In order to write this test, I had to write a helper class called MockDiscreteInputPatternGenerator. I won’t go into the details of that class, but I’ll just say it’s over 100 lines long, just so that I can write a reasonably fluent test:

        public void Inputs_A_B_C_must_all_be_true_for_D_to_turn_on()
            MockDiscreteInput inputA;
            MockDiscreteInput inputB;
            MockDiscreteInput inputC;
            MockDiscreteOutput outputD;

            var tester = new MockDiscreteInputPatternGenerator()
                .InitialCondition(out inputA, false)
                .InitialCondition(out inputB, false)
                .InitialCondition(out inputC, false)
                .CreateSimulatedOutput(out outputD)







                .AssertThat(outputD).ShouldBe(true); // finally turns on

            var test = new DController(inputA, inputB, inputC, outputD);


What this does is cycle through all the combinations of inputs that don’t cause the output to turn on, and then I finally turn them all on, and verify that it did turn on in that last case.

I’ll spare you the other two tests. One check that the output initializes to on when all the inputs are on initially, and the last test checks the conditions that turn the output off (only C turning off, with A and B having no effect). In order to get all of these tests to pass, here’s my final version of the DController class:

    internal class DController
        private readonly IDiscreteInput inputA;
        private readonly IDiscreteInput inputB;
        private readonly IDiscreteInput inputC;
        private readonly IDiscreteOutput outputD;

        private bool D; // holds last state of output D

        public DController(IDiscreteInput inputA, IDiscreteInput inputB, 
            IDiscreteInput inputC, IDiscreteOutput outputD)
            if (inputA == null) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inputA");
            if (inputB == null) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inputB");
            if (inputC == null) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inputC");
            if (outputD == null) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("outputD");

            this.inputA = inputA;
            this.inputB = inputB;
            this.inputC = inputC;
            this.outputD = outputD;

            inputA.InputChanged += new EventHandler((s, e) => setOutputDValue());
            inputB.InputChanged += new EventHandler((s, e) => setOutputDValue());
            inputC.InputChanged += new EventHandler((s, e) => setOutputDValue());


        private void setOutputDValue()
            bool A = inputA.GetValue();
            bool B = inputB.GetValue();
            bool C = inputC.GetValue();

            bool newValue = ((A && B) || D) && C;
            D = newValue;

So if you’re just counting the DController class itself, that’s approaching 40 lines of code, and the only really important line is this:

    bool newValue = ((A && B) || D) && C;

It’s true that as you wrote more logic, you’d refactor more and more repetitive code out of the Controller classes, but ultimately most of the overhead never really goes away. The best you’re going to do is develop some kind of domain specific language which might look like this:

    var dController = new OutputControllerFor(outputD)
        .WithInputs(inputA, inputB, inputC)
        .DefinedAs((A, B, C, D) => ((A && B) || D) && C);

…or maybe…

    var dController = new OutputControllerFor(outputD)
        .WithInputs(inputA, inputB, inputC)
        .TurnsOnWhen((A, B, C) => A && B && C)
        .StaysOnWhile((A, B, C) => C);

…and how is that any better than the original ladder logic? That’s not even getting into the fact that you wouldn’t be able to use breakpoints in C# when doing online troubleshooting. This code would be a real pain to troubleshoot if the sensor connected to inputA was becoming flaky. With ladder logic, you can just glance at it and see the current values of A, B, C, and D.

Testing: the C# code is complex enough that it needs tests to prove that it works right, but the ladder logic is so simple, so declarative, that it’s obvious to any Controls Engineer or Electrician exactly what it does: turn on when A, B, and C are all on, and then stay on until C turns off. It doesn’t need a test!

Time-wise: it took me about a minute to get the ladder editor open and write that ladder logic, but about an hour to put together this C# example in Visual Studio.

So, I think when someone gets a hate on for ladder logic, it just has to be fear. Ladder logic is a great tool to have in your toolbox. Certainly don’t use ladder logic to write an ERP system, but do use it for discrete control.

On Budgets

What function do budgets serve?

In a case where there are well-known basic requirements, and highly variable-solutions, a budget is essential to curb the tendency to put wants ahead of needs. Take, for example, an automobile purchase. All you need is four wheels. Maybe you need four doors if you have two kids, or a minivan if you have three kids, but you certainly don’t need a sunroof, or a hemi, or a self-parking car. These are luxuries. Maybe you can afford to splurge a bit, but the budget knows there are other needs that take priority, like food, mortgage payments, and utilities.

When we try to take this concept of a budget to the workplace it breaks down. In the workplace, budgets serve one of two purposes: (1) flagging corruption, and (2) investment payback.

Purpose 1: Flagging Corruption

When we know about how much money it should take to do a job, we give the responsible person a budget. “Marty, we’ve been attending conferences in Las Vegas for 30 years. We know it costs about $X, so you have a budget of $X and $Y for contingency.” As long as Marty stays within that budget, keeps his receipts, and can avoid having the escort service charges showing up on his company Amex, he’s good to go. If his expense report comes in at twice the expected amount, then he has to justify it.

When you know how much something should cost, this is an efficient model. It delegates spending to the individual and only requires minor oversight from the accounting department.

Note that the budget wasn’t set based on how much money was in the bank, it was based on historical data, and the company decided there was a payback to send Marty to Las Vegas. That’s a fundamental difference between home and workplace budgets: at home we frequently buy stuff with no perceived payback, but at a company every expenditure is an investment. That’s why the function of budgets at home and at work are fundamentally different.

Purpose 2: Investment Paybacks

When you don’t have good historical data on a planned expenditure, accounting still needs an estimate. Estimates feedback expected expenditures to whoever is managing the cash flow. Budgets are the present-cost of the expected payback, with interest.

When a company looks at starting a new project, whether it’s done internally or subcontracted, first they get an estimate. Then they compare the estimate to the expected payback, and if it pays back within a certain time-frame (usually a couple of years, but sometimes as short as a few months), they go ahead with the project. However, since projects are, by definition, something you haven’t actually done before, everyone acknowledges that the estimate won’t necessarily be accurate. They will generally approve a budget with an added contingency. They’ve done the calculations to make sure that if the project comes in under that budget, the payback will make the company (and the investors) money.

As the project progresses, the project manager needs to track the actual expenditures against the expected expenditures, and provide updated estimates to accounting. If the estimate goes higher than the approved budget, management has to re-evaluate the viability of the project. They might increase the budget if the payback is good enough, or they might scrap the project.

Tying Incentives to Budgets

For home budgets, it’s implied: if you stay within your budget, you’ll make sure to satisfy all your needs, and you’re less likely to find yourself in financial hardship. You have an incentive to stay on budget.

At work, lots of people have their bonuses tied to “performance-to-budget”. If we’re talking about the first purpose of workplace budgets (flagging corruption) where historical data provides a solid prediction of what something should cost, then it makes sense to evaluate someone on their performance to that budget. On the other hand, if we accept that project budgets are based on rather inaccurate estimates, then measuring someone to a project budget isn’t very efficient.

In fact, it leads to all kinds of behaviors we want to avoid. First, people might tend to over-estimate projects because that will raise the budget. This might prevent the company from pursuing projects that could have been profitable. Secondly, project managers tend to play a “numbers game” – using resources from one project that’s going well to pad another project that’s going over. This destroys the accuracy of your project reports; now you won’t know which initiatives really made money. Third, the cost will be evaluated at the end of the project, but the payback continues over a longer time-frame. The project manager will tend to make choices that favor lower cost at the end of the project at the expense of choices that offer higher long-term payback.

Everything I’ve read suggests that (a) project managers have very little influence over the actual success or failure of a project and (b) in any task that requires creativity and out-of-the-box problem solving, offering a performance-incentive reduces performance because you’re replacing an intrinsic motivation with an extrinsic one. The intrinsic one is more powerful.

So why do we tie performance incentives to project budgets? Is there really any research that suggests this works, or are we just extrapolating what we know about purchasing a car, or taking a trip to Las Vegas? As someone who is intrinsically motived, I’ve found budget performance-incentives to be extremely distracting. Surely I’m not the only one, am I?

On the Pathetic State of Automation Security

To start with, even PC security is pretty bad. Most programmers don’t seem to know the basic concepts for securely handling passwords (as the recent Sony data breach shows us). At least there are some standards, like the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.

Unfortunately, if PC security is a leaky bucket, then automation system security about as watertight as a pasta strainer. Here are some pretty standard problems you’re likely to find if you audit any small to medium sized manufacturer (and most likely any municipal facility, like, perhaps, a water treatment plant):

  • Windows PCs without up-to-date virus protection
  • USB and CD-rom (removable media) ports enabled
  • Windows PCs not set to auto-update
  • Remote access services like RDP or Webex always running
  • Automation PCs connected to the office network
  • Unsecured wireless access points attached to the network
  • Networking equipment like firewalls with the default password still set
  • PLCs on the office network, or even accessible from the outside!

All of these security issues have one thing in common: they’re done for convenience. It’s the same reason people don’t check the air in their tires or “forget” to change their engine oil. People are just really bad at doing things that are in their long term best interest.

Unfortunately, this security issue is becoming an issue of national security. Some have said there’s a “cyber-cold-war” brewing. After the news about Stuxnet, it’s pretty clear the war has turned “hot”.

I’m usually not a fan of regulations and over-reaching standards, but the fact is the Japanese didn’t build earthquake resistant buildings by individual choice. They did it because the building code required it. Likewise, I’ve seen a lot of resistance to the OSHA Machine Guarding standards because it imposes a lot of extra work on Control System Designers, and the companies buying automation, but I’m certain that we’re better off now that the standards are being implemented.

It’s time for an automation network security standard. Thankfully there’s one under development. ISA99 is the Industrial Automation and Control System Security Committee of ISA. A couple of sections of the new standard have already been published, but it’s not done yet. Also, you have to pay ISA a ransom fee to read it. I don’t think that’s the best way to get a standard out there and get people using it. I also think it’s moving very slowly. We all need to start improving security immediately, not after the committee gets around to meeting a few dozen more times.

I wonder if you could piece together a creative-commons licensed standard based on the general security knowledge already available on the internet…

Questions to Ask your Employer When Applying for an Automation Job

If you’re going to interview for a control systems job in a plant, they’ll ask you a lot of questions, but you should also have some questions for them. To me, these are the minimum questions you need to ask to determine if a future employer is worth pursuing:

  1. Do you have up-to-date electrical drawings in every electrical panel? – When the line is down, you don’t have time to go digging.
  2. Do you have a wireless network throughout the plant? – It should go without saying, having good reliable wireless connectivity all over your facility really helps when you’re troubleshooting issues. Got a problem with a sensor? Just setup your laptop next to the sensor, go online, look at the logic, and flag the sensor. You don’t have time to walk all over.
  3. Does every PC (including on-machine PCs) have virus protection that updates automatically? – We’re living in a post Stuxnet world. Enough said.
  4. Have you separated the office network from the industrial network? – Protection and security are applied in layers. There’s no need for Jack and Jill in accounting to be pinging your PLCs.
  5. What is your backup (and restore) policy? – Any production-critical machine must always have up-to date code stored in a known location (on a server or in a source control system), it must be backed up regularly, and you have to test your backups by doing regular restores.
  6. Are employees compensated for working extra hours? – Nothing raises a red flag about a company’s competency more than expecting 60+ hour weeks but not paying you overtime. It means they’re reactive, not proactive. It means they don’t value experience (experienced employees have families and can’t spend as much time at the office). It probably means they scored poorly in the previous questions.

You don’t have to find a company that gets perfect on this test, but if they miss more than one or two, that’s a warning sign. If they do well, they’re a proactive company, and proactive companies are sane places to work.

Good luck!

More about Stuxnet, on TED

I’ve been enjoying a lot more TED recently now that I can stream it directly to our living room HDTV on our Boxee Box. Today it surprised me with a talk by Ralph Langner called “Cracking Stuxnet: A 21st Century Cyber Weapon”. I talked about Stuxnet before, but this video has even more juicy details. If you work with PLCs, beware; this is the new reality of industrial automation security:

Renaming “Best Practices”

Ok, so I’ve complained about “Best Practices” before, but I want to revisit the topic and talk about another angle. I think the reason we go astray with “Best Practices” is the name. Best. That’s pretty absolute. How can you argue with that? How can any other way of doing it be better than the “Best” way?

Of course there are always better ways to do things. If we don’t figure them out, our competitors will. We should call these standards Baseline Practices. They represent a process for performing a task with a known performance curve. What we should be telling employees is, “I don’t care what process you use, as long as it performs at least as well as this.” That will encourage innovation. When we find better ways, that new way becomes the new baseline.

In case you haven’t read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and its sequel, Lila, Pirsig describes two forms of quality: static and dynamic. Static quality are the things like procedures, and cultural norms. They are a way that we pass information from generation to generation, or just between peers on the factory floor. Dynamic quality is the creativity that drives change. Together they form a ratchet-like mechanism: dynamic quality moves us from point A to point B, and static quality filters out the B points, throwing out the ones that fall below the baseline.

I’ve heard more than one person say that we need to get everyone doing things the same way, and they use this as an argument in favour of best practices. I think that’s wrong. We have baseline practices to facilitate knowledge sharing. They get new employees up to speed fast. They allow one person to go on vacation while another person fills in for them. They are the safety net. But we always need to encourage people go beyond the baseline. It needs to be stated explicitly: “we know there are better ways of doing this, and it’s your job to figure out what those ways are.”

Estimating Software Projects

Why is it so hard to estimate software (and control system) projects?

Does this seem familiar? You start out as a grunt in the trenches designing stuff, writing code, and you keep getting a string of projects to work on with insanely low budgets and short timelines, and you think, “I can do better than this.” You decide you want to manage your own projects, and your boss thinks that’s great because (a) he trusts you, and (b) that’s one less thing for him to do. He starts you off with some small project…

The first thing he asks you for is an estimate. You listen to the scope, give it about 10 minutes of thought, write up an estimate and hand it to him:

  • Design: 3 days
  • Programming: 2 weeks
  • Testing: 2 days

So, three weeks. “Let’s just say four weeks,” says your boss. Great!

You start out on your design. It takes about 3 days. Then you start programming, and you get it all working, and you’re on budget. Excellent! Your boss asks you how it’s going, and you say, “I’m on budget! I just have some testing left to do.” Great, let’s have a review with the customer.

After the review with the customer, it’s clear that half of what you did isn’t going to meet their expectations, and the other half is going to get all messed around because of the first half changing. Damn!

“How is this going to affect the budget?” says your boss…

“Well, since we have four weeks, and we’re only two and a half weeks in, we should be ok. I’ll probably have to come in on a weekend.”

So you work your butt off, and the hours are really racking up, but you think you’re going to make it, and all of a sudden, BAM! You have this one annoying problem that you just can’t seem to fix. Maybe it’s a bug in a Windows driver, or a grounding issue, or whatever. It’s something hard, and you burn a whole week trying various solutions trying to solve it. Suddenly you’re overbudget.

After this experience, and a few more like it, you start to get the hint that maybe it’s you. Then you learn there’s an entire industry out there that functions as a support group for people like you: Project Management. You get to go to little two-day project management seminars where they commiserate with you. An instructor gets up and talks about all the common pitfalls of managing a project, and everyone with any experience trying to do it says, “yeah, exactly!”

Then they tell you the solution to this is to impose the tried and true “Project Management Methodology” on it:

  • Initiate
  • Plan
  • Execute
  • Monitor
  • Complete

This gives you a warm fuzzy feeling. The feeling that you’re back in control of your world, and if you’re into control systems like me, then you’re all about controlling your world.

Now the first step includes the estimation step. You do a work breakdown structure, down to small details, and you assign a best case, probable case, and worst case estimates to each task, and you usually use some pseudo-statistics to come up with a weighted sum of the estimates for all tasks.

This process has worked well, but only in certain industries. If you’re building a house, it works well. If you’re building a skyscraper or a bridge, it works well, particularly if the result is similar to something you’ve done before.

It’s odd that most Project Management books use the “send a man to the moon” example. While that project was completed on time (before the end of the decade), and it achieved the performance goal, it went wayyy over budget. If this was a corporate project, it would be a complete failure. It was only considered a success because it was a government job.

If you’re trying to estimate how long it will take to build a house, the estimate starts with a completed design. Then the Project Manager calls up the framers, roofers, drywallers, electricians, plumbers, etc., and gives them a copy of the blueprints. The plumber has a really good idea, based on the number of fixtures, etc., how much it’s going to cost and how long it will take. He does this all the time.

Software is a different beast. It’s like asking you to estimate the architect’s time when he drew up the blueprints of the house. The construction of the house is analogous to the compiling step in software development. In software, we’ve completely automated that step. We can go from design to prototype in a matter of seconds. What we’re estimating in software development is the design effort, not the construction effort. Unfortunately, before the design is done, we haven’t even figured out what the problems are yet, let alone the solutions.

Computer programming is almost always novel. Repetition is the ultimate sin. If you find repetition, you refactor it out into a re-usable library or module. Each project brings new platforms and technologies, ever higher levels of abstraction, and a novel problem, so we have no baseline to estimate from.

In fact, the easier it is to estimate a project, the less important that project really is. If your job is easy to estimate, it’s probably repetitive enough that it’ll soon be automated away.

Control System Security and 2010

Looking back at the year 2010, there was one really interesting and important happening in the world of industrial control system security: Stuxnet.

There’s a lot of speculation about this computer worm, but let’s just look at the facts:

  • It required substantially more resources to create than a typical computer worm (some estimates put it around $1,000,000, if you figure 5 person-years and the cost to employ specialized programmers)
  • It targets Siemens WinCC software, so that it can infect Step 7 PLCs
  • It looks like it was specifically targeted at a single facility (based on the fact that it was targeting a specific PLC, and only specific brands of VFDs)
  • It was designed to do real physical damage to equipment
  • It was designed to propagate via USB memory sticks to make it more likely to spread inside industrial settings, and even updated itself in a peer-to-peer manner (new versions brought in from the outside could update copies already inside a secure network)

If your average computer worm is the weapon-equivalent a hatchet, Stuxnet is a sniper rifle. There is speculation that the intended target was either the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant or the Natanz Nuclear Facility, both in Iran, but what is known is that it has spread far and wide in other industrial networks. It’s been called the world’s first cyber super weapon.

What’s clear is that our industry’s relative ignorance when it comes to computer security has to end. Stuxnet proved the worst case, which is that a proprietary embedded PLC can successfully be the target of a computer worm.

I’ve been watching as more and more old-school vendors include Windows CE based devices as HMI components in their systems (like the PanelView Plus from Allen-Bradley). These are susceptible to the same kinds of threats that can infect Microsoft-based smartphones, and it takes a lot less than $1,000,000 to write one of those. It’s the kind some kid can put together in his basement for fun.

I’ve also seen (and even been pushing) a trend towards PC-based control. It’s nothing new, and I’ve seen PC-based control solutions out there for almost 10 years now, but it’s the networking that makes them vulnerable. In one facility about five years ago, I saw a PC-based control system completely taken down by a regular old computer worm. There were two mitigating causes in that case… first, the control system was on the same network as the main office network (the virus was brought in by an employee’s laptop that they connected at home), and secondly the vendor of the control software prohibited the customer from installing anti-virus software on the control system PC because they said it would void the warranty. I rarely see these same mistakes in new installations, but it does happen.

A couple of years ago I found a computer virus on an industrial PC with a VB6 application used as an HMI for a PLC/2. The PC in question was never connected to any network! The virus found its way to this computer over floppy disks and USB memory sticks.

Now if your facility is juicy enough that someone would spend $1,000,000 to take a shot at it, then you need specialized help. Stuxnet is a boon to security consultants because now they have a dramatic story to wave in the face of clients. On the other hand, most facilities need some kind of basic security measures.

  • Separate your industrial and office networks (if you need to move data from one to the other, then have a secure machine that can sit on both networks)
  • Make sure all machines automatically update their Windows Updates and their anti-virus definitions automatically, even if they’re on the industrial network
  • Change the default passwords on all devices and servers (including SQL Server’s SA password!)
  • Use different technologies in different layers (does your office network use Cisco managed switches? Consider using industrial managed switches from a different vendor in your industrial network)

Are you an integrator looking to expand your lines of business? Hire a computer security consultant and have them go knocking on the doors of your biggest customers with the Stuxnet story. You should be able to sell them a security assessment, and an action plan. Given the current security landscape, you’ll be doing them a big favour.

Intro to Mercurial (Hg) Version Control for the Automation Professional

There’s a tool in the PC programming world that nobody would live without, but almost nobody in the PLC or Automation World uses: version control systems. Even most PC programmers shun version control at first, until someone demonstrates it for them, and then they’re hooked. Version control is great for team collaboration, but most individual programmers working on a project use it just for themselves. It’s that good. I decided since most of you are in the automation industry, I’d give you a brief introduction to my favourite version control system: Mercurial.

It’s called “Mercurial” and always pronounced that way, but it’s frequently referred to by the acronym “Hg”, referring to the element “Mercury” in the periodic table.

Mercurial has a lot of advantages:

  • It’s free. So are all of the best version control systems actually. Did I mention it’s the favourite tool of PC programmers? Did I mention PC programmers don’t like to pay for stuff? They write their own tools and release them online as open source.
  • It’s distributed. There are currently two “distributed version control systems”, or DVCS, vying for supremacy: Hg and Git. Distributed means you don’t need a connection to the server all the time, so you can work offline. This is great if you work from a laptop with limited connectivity, which is why I think it’s perfect for automation professionals. Both Hg and Git are great. The best comparison I’ve heard is that Hg is like James Bond and Git is like MacGyver. I’ll let you interpret that…
  • It has great tools. By default it runs from the command line, but you never have to do that. I’ll show you TortoiseHg, a popular Windows shell that lets you manage your versioned files inside of a normal Windows Explorer window. Hg also sports integration into popular IDEs.

I’ll assume you’ve downloaded TortoiseHg and installed it. It’s small and also free. In fact, it comes bundled with Mercurial, so you only have to install one program.

Once that’s done, follow me…

First, I created a new Folder on my desktop called My New Repository:

Now, right click on the folder. You’ll notice that TortoiseHg has added a new submenu to your context menu:

In the new TortoiseHg submenu, click on “Create Repository Here”. What’s a Repository? It’s just Hg nomenclature for a folder on your computer (or on a network drive) that’s version controlled. When you try to create a new repository, it asks you this question:

Just click the Create button. That does two things. It creates a sub-folder in the folder you right-clicked on called “.hg”. It also creates a “.hgignore” file. Ignore the .hgignore file for now. You can use it to specify certain patterns of files that you don’t want to track. You don’t need it to start with.

The .hg folder is where Mercurial stores all of its version history (including the version history of all files in this repository, including all files in all subdirectories). This is a particularly nice feature about Mercurial… if you want to “un-version” a directory, you just delete the .hg folder. If you want to make a copy of a repository, you just copy the entire repository folder, including the .hg subdirectory. That means you’ll get the entire history of all the files. You can zip it up and send it to a friend.

Now here’s the cool part… after you send it to your friend, he can make a change to the files while you make changes to your copy, you can both commit your changes to your local copies, and you can merge the changes together later. (The merge is very smart, and actually does a line-by-line merge in the case of text files, CSV files, etc., which works really well for PC programming. Unfortunately if your files use a proprietary binary format, like Excel or a PLC program, Mercurial can’t merge them, but will at least track versions for you. If the vendor provides a proprietary merge tool, you can configure Mercurial to open that tool to merge the two files.)

Let’s try an example. I want to start designing a new automation cell, so I’ll just sketch out some rough ideas in Notepad:

Line 1
  - Conveyor
    - Zone 1
    - Zone 2
    - Zone 3
  - Robot
    - Interlocks
    - EOAT
    - Vision System
  - Nut Feeder

I save it as a file called “Line 1.txt” in my repository folder. At this point I’ve made changes to the files in my repository (by adding a file) but I haven’t “committed” those changes. A commit is like a light-weight restore point. You can always roll back to any commit point in the entire history of the repository, or roll forward to any commit point. (You can also “back out” a single commit even if it was several changes ago, which is a very cool feature.) It’s a good idea to commit often.

To commit using TortoiseHg, just right click anywhere in your repository window and click the “Hg Commit…” menu item in the context menu. You’ll see a screen like this:

It looks a bit weird, but it’s showing you all the changes you’ve made since your “starting point”. Since this is a brand new repository, your starting point is just an empty directory. Once you complete this commit, you’ll have created a new starting point, and it will track all changes after the commit. However, you can move your starting point back and forth to any commit point by using the Update command (which I’ll show you later).

The two files in the Commit dialog box show up with question marks beside them. That means it knows that it hasn’t seen these files before, but it’s not sure if you want to include them in the repository. In this case you want to include both (notice that the .hgignore file is also a versioned file in the repository… that’s just how it works). Right click on each one and click the Add item from the context menu. You’ll notice that it changes the question mark to an “A”. That means the file is being added to the repository during this commit.

In the box at the top, you have to enter some description of the change you’re making. In this case, I’ll say “Adding initial Line 1 layout”. Now click the Commit button in the upper left corner. That’s it, the file is now committed in the repository. Close the commit window.

Now go back to your repository window in Windows Explorer. You’ll notice that they now have green checkmark icons next to them (if you’re using Vista or Windows 7, sometimes you have to go into or out of the directory, come back in, and press F5 to see it update):

The green checkmark means the file is exactly the same as your starting point. Now let’s try editing it. I’ll open it and add a Zone 4 to the conveyor:

Line 1
  - Conveyor
    - Zone 1
    - Zone 2
    - Zone 3
    - Zone 4
  - Robot
    - Interlocks
    - EOAT
    - Vision System
  - Nut Feeder

The icon in Windows Explorer for my “Line 1.txt” file immediately changed from a green checkmark to a red exclamation point. This means it’s a tracked file and that file no longer matches the starting point:

Notice that it’s actually comparing the contents of the file, because if you go back into the file and remove the line for Zone 4, it will eventually change the icon back to a green checkmark!

Now that we’ve made a change, let’s commit that. Right click anywhere in the repository window again and click “Hg Commit…”:

Now it’s showing us that “Line 1.txt” has been Modified (see the M beside it) and it even shows us a snapshot of the change. The box in the bottom right corner shows us that we added a line for Zone 4, and even shows us a few lines before and after so we can see where we added it. This is enough information for Mercurial to track this change even if we applied this change in a different order than other subsequent changes. Let’s finish this commit, and then I’ll give you an example. Just enter a description of the change (“Added Zone 4 to Conveyor”) and commit it, then close the commit window.

Now right-click in the repository window and click on Hg Repository Explorer in the context menu:

This is showing us the entire history of this repository. I’ve highlighted the last commit, so it’s showing a list of files that were affected by that commit, and since I selected the file on the left, it shows the summary of the changes for that file on the right.

Now for some magic. We can go back to before the last commit. You do this by right-clicking on the bottom revision (that says “Adding initial Line 1 layout”) and selecting “Update…” from the context menu. You’ll get a confirmation popup, so just click the Update button on that. Now the bottom revision line is highlighted in the repository explorer meaning the old version has become your “starting point”. Now go and open the “Line 1.txt” file. You’ll notice that Zone 4 has been removed from the Conveyor (don’t worry if the icons don’t keep up on Vista or Win7, everything is working fine behind the scenes).

Let’s assume that after the first commit, I gave a copy of the repository to someone, (so they have a copy without Zone 4), and they made a change to the same file. Maybe they added some detail to the Nut Feeder section:

Line 1
  - Conveyor
    - Zone 1
    - Zone 2
    - Zone 3
  - Robot
    - Interlocks
    - EOAT
    - Vision System
  - Nut Feeder
    - 120VAC, 6A

Then they committed their change. Now, how do their changes make it back into your repository? That’s by using a feature called Synchronize. It’s pretty simple if you have a copy of both on your computer, or if each of you have a copy, and you also have a “master” copy of the repository on the server, and you can each see the copy on the server. What happens is they “Push” their changes to the server copy, and then you “Pull” their change over to your copy. (Too much detail for this blog post, so I’ll leave that to you as an easy homework assignment). What you’ll end up with, when you look at the repository explorer, is something like this:

You can clearly see that we have a branch. We both made our changes to the initial commit, so now we’ve forked it. This is OK. We just have to do a merge. In a distributed version control system, merges are normal and fast. (They’re fast because it does all the merge logic locally, which is faster than sending everything to a central server).

You can see that we’re still on the version that’s bolded (“Added Zone 4 to Conveory”). The newer version, on top, is the one with the Nut Feeder change from our friend. In order to merge that change with ours, just right click on their version and click “Merge With…” from the context menu. That will give you a pop-up. It should be telling you, in a long winded fashion, that you’re merging the “other” version into your “local” version. That’s what you always want. Click Merge. It will give you another box with the result of the merge, and in this case it was successful because there were no conflicts. Now click Commit. This actually creates a new version in your repository with both changes, and then updates your local copy to that merged version. Now take a look at the “Line 1.txt” file:

Line 1
  - Conveyor
    - Zone 1
    - Zone 2
    - Zone 3
    - Zone 4
  - Robot
    - Interlocks
    - EOAT
    - Vision System
  - Nut Feeder
    - 120VAC, 6A

It has both changes, cleanly merged into a single file. Cool, right!?

What’s the catch? Well, if the two changes are too close together, it opens a merge tool where it shows you the original version before either change, the file with one change applied, the file with the other change applied, and then a workspace at the bottom where you can choose what you want to do (apply one, the other, both, none, or custom edit it yourself). That can seem tedious, but it happens rarely if the people on your project are working on separate areas most of the time, and the answer of how to merge them is usually pretty obvious. Sometimes you actually have to pick up the phone and ask them what they were doing in that area. Since the alternative is one person overwriting someone else’s changes wholesale, this is clearly better.

Mercurial has a ton of other cool features. You can name your branches different names. For example, I keep a “Release” branch that’s very close to the production code where I can make “emergency” fixes and deploy them quickly, and then I have a “Development” branch where I do major changes that take time to stabilize. I continuously merge the Release branch into the Development branch during development, so that all bug fixes make it into the new major version, but the unstable code in the Development branch doesn’t interfere with the production code until it’s ready. I colour-code these Red and Blue respectively so you can easily see the difference in the repository explorer.

I use the .hgignore file to ignore my active configuration files (like settings.ini, for example). That means I can have my release and development branches in two different folders on my computer, and each one has a different configuration file (for connecting to different databases, or using different file folders for test data). Mercurial doesn’t try to add or merge them.

It even has the ability to do “Push” and “Pull” operations over HTTP, or email. It has a built-in HTTP server so you can turn your computer into an Hg server, and your team can Push or Pull updates to or from your repository.

I hope this is enough to whet your appetite. If you have questions, please email me. Also, you can check out this more in-depth tutorial, though it focuses on the command-line version: hginit.